A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, Linux, and Android

this game is simple but fun!

a intro will appear, but if you want to skip it click the intro

cheesy puffs:it gives 1+ score, if you miss it you lose -1 score

bomb: if you touch it it will explode and will lose a point, dont touch the bomb


red:you will lose speed, ideal if your speed is going too fast

green:you will gain speed, ideal if your speed is low

green-red:you will lose or gain speed


whats that?: this mode introduces a health function, so its more risky to touch a bomb or lose a plate of cheesy puffs, also theres a optional hp regenerator that adds regenerators, so it makes the hp mode easier


More cheese: duplicates the cheesy puffs

More bombs:duplicates the bombs

More magnets:duplicates the magnets

X2 Speed: duplicates the speed


0.0 project uploaded

0.1 bombs added

dont touch the bombs you will lose a point

0.2 lasers and aleatory wait seconds update

red laser: you loss speed

yellow laser: you loss or recover speed

green laser: you recover speed

cheesy puffs: gives 0.01 speed

0.3 bomb stops when its touched

and fixed bomb scripts

0.4 yellow laser fixed

0.5 fixed red laser speed, green laser not appearing and a menu, also added a question mark to the yellow laser

0.6  thumbnail  changed and  speed control on start, also removed the change control because its kinda useless and changed bomb sfx because yea

0.6.1 added shading to the thumbnail

0.7 BIG UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!, added alot of stuff, but had to delete camera mode, but added an whole new hp mode, and alot of things, also redesigned a lil bit the sprite, redesigned "yellow laser" to a more accurate design where its green and red, also a intro, wii port coming soon

0.8 bombs improved and fancy intro, shake when bomb explodes and gameover sfx

0.9 magnet added to attract em cheesy puffs and skipabble intro

1.0, YAY, we are in 1.0 and i added a mods menu, you can personalize the game more now, we may add more mods, also, when you skip the intro the audio now dissapears, OUT IN ITCH.IO

1.1: added a splash text and a flashing lights switch and now the mods  get bright when the cursor hovers over them, speed switch is now moved to the mods also when you start the game, the cheesy puffs go to the left


eat cheesy puffs 1.1.sb3 9.9 MB
eat cheesy puffs 1.1.html 16 MB
eat cheesy puffs 1.1.zip 99 MB
eat cheesy puffs.zip 97 MB
eat cheesy puffs.html 14 MB
eat cheesy puffs.sb3 9 MB